Battlefield Heroes Best Sniper Rifle
The sniper rifle is a weapon that be wielded exclusively by Commandos. It has the best accuracy of any weapon in the game and can take down almost anything, including Jeeps and Planes when used in conjunction with Piercing Shot, a commando ability which increases the sniper rifles power greatly.
Battlefield Heroes - Slow Rifles 200x200
Battlefield Heroes - Slow Rifles
The powerful headshot snipers. The damage isn't that great hitting anywhere else in the body and there is a lot of recoil to this gun. But if you aim correctly and hit the head you could get a very strong hit. This type of sniper ranges from 5-40 (no headshot damage included). This sniper is the most popular snipers around. Piercing Shot is once again high recommended as a damage booster.
Pipsqueak's Popper
Stefan's Sharpshooter
Pipsqueak's Dapper Popper
Stefan's Stylish Sharpshooter
Albert's Accelerator
Moritz's Magnetic Hurler
Blanco's Bullseye
Alberto's Asesino
Steven's Sporty Sniper
Victor's Victorious Viewpoint
Battlefield Heroes - Medium Rifles 200x200
Battlefield Heroes - Medium Rifles
These snipers are the middle ground between the others, but has less recoil and fires very quickly compared to the slow rifles, although not getting near the fast rifles speed and recoil. The power also increases when hitting the head here.
The damage for this gun is between 5-24 (no headshot damage included). The sniper is used for the less well-aimed. This type of rifle is least popular among players, although a rising movement is "quick-scoping" when a player gets relatively close to the enemy, and with Piercing Shot at 5, quickly kills him (reccommended for the uber/super version).
Oscar's Farshot
The Gourmet
Oscar's Super
Farshot The Uber Gourmet
Battlefield Heroes - Fast Rifles 200x200
Battlefield Heroes - Fast Rifles
This sniper rifles themselves hasn't much recoil, but the damage isn't very strong alone. It can range to 5-23 (no headshot damage included).
There are 8 rounds in these snipers (6 for the non-uber/super ones) and they are very reliable. Piercing Shot is highly recommended for effective killing.
Roderick RifleŅ
The Groundbreaker
Whisperer VK-22
Agent's Infiltrator
Tier 1 Elite M-21
Specialist's Tier 1 SV-98
Winter Camo M-21
Winter Camo SV-98
Roderick Super Rifle
The Uber Groundbreaker
Battlefield Heroes - Anti-Material Rifles 200x200
Battlefield Heroes - Anti-Material Rifles
Having a 1 bullet in clip, paired with slow reloading, it's not a big deal.
Unless you know, that this gun's damage is Very high! It can shoot around (22-43, no head-shot damage included) but, with 5 level Piercing Shot, it can kill a full health commando in 1 shot (due to damage being lower on smaller ranges, the enemy commando has to be far away for the damage to exceed 80-85, to make SURE that the person dies.
In larger maps, in proper positions, it is possible to exceed 90 damage per headshot, taking down commandos with Sarge's Stamina Boost as well). Another great advantage is it's ability to damage tanks, which is especially useful against organized teams. (Doesn't 1 hit anymore)
Mk1 Bad Boy
Panzerhunter 39
The sniper rifle is a weapon that be wielded exclusively by Commandos. It has the best accuracy of any weapon in the game and can take down almost anything, including Jeeps and Planes when used in conjunction with Piercing Shot, a commando ability which increases the Best Sniper power greatly. ......................................i Like this Artical